![]() In his American Patriot’s Daily Almanac, Bill Bennett shares the story about Molly Pitcher, of whom tradition says that on June 29, 1778, the day after the Battle of Monmouth in New Jersey during the Revolutionary War, Mary Ludwig Hays of Pennsylvania—known to her friends as Molly—stood before General Washington and received a warrant as a noncommissioned officer in return for bravery in the battle. Like many colonial wives, Molly had joined her husband, John, when he marched off to fight the British. She spent her time in the camps, cooking, washing, and taking care of supplies. On the afternoon of June 28, 1778, Mary’s husband was manning a cannon at Monmouth on an afternoon when the temperature soared close to 100 degrees. Seeing soldiers dropping from thirst and exhaustion, Molly grabbed an artillery bucket and carried water from a cool spring to the troops. The grateful men cheered her whenever she came around, saying, “There’s Molly with her pitcher.” Afterward she was known as Molly Pitcher. Molly also nursed the wounded that day, at one point carrying an injured soldier clear of a British charge. When her husband fell wounded beside his cannon, she took up the rammer staff and worked the rest of the day swabbing and loading the gun under heavy fire. It was the next day when Washington thanked the barefooted, powder-stained Molly for her service and dedication. In 1822 the Pennsylvania legislature voted to pay her $40 a year in recognition of her service. Since then, the name Molly Pitcher has come to stand for all the brave women who came to their country’s aid during the war for independence. Mother’s Day gives everyone the opportunity to show appreciation and gratitude to the special women of their lives. Gratitude doesn’t become “thank you” until it is spoken with words, so, whether verbal or written be sure to communicate appreciation for the wonderful ways that your mom, wife, relative or friend express their love and care toward you. With that in mind, I want to express to the women of Community Christian my heartfelt appreciation for all you do by quoting the Apostle Paul who wrote, I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now (Philippians 1:3-5). Working together to win together, Tyler Comments are closed.
August 2024