SAVE THE DATE!!!What: Second Worship Gathering Offered
When: Starting Sunday, October 6, 2024 Where: Community Christian Church 400 E State St St Johns, MI Times: 9:00 am Worship Gathering #1 10:00 am Bible Studies (Adult and Children's) 11:00 am Worship Gathering #2 Earlier in the year a survey among worship attenders indicated enough interest in adding an earlier worship time to not only accommodate people’s schedules, but also to help create more space with the growing number of worshippers on Sunday mornings. At a special planning meeting with leaders it was decided to initiate the additional worship time in October. Help pass along the word, and invite someone to church. |
Sunday Morning Adult &
Wednesday Adult Bible Study
(Middle & Sr High Youth Group)
Sunday, September 15 5-7:00 pm Meet at the Church Building ( We are going to Uncle John's Cider Mill) Our Goal: to help middle and high schoolers develop a faith of their own. Hey students! We have some exciting things planned for this Fall! A new name (Journey), a new room (remodeled downstairs just for you) and a new study series (It’s still a secret! You’ll have to wait one more week.) You won’t want to miss out on the games, snacks, friendships and study as we learn more on developing our own relationship with Jesus! See you there! |
Secret SistersTuesday, September 17
6:30 pm at the Church The women’s group gathers to build friendships and to celebrate the special moments of each other’s lives. If you like laughing together with other people, while also sharing together a message from Scripture, then this group is for you. They also make crafts and projects together. All women, young or mature, are welcome to join in. |
Band of BrothersTuesday, September 17
6:30 pm at Arby's Men are in chapter 10 of the book, “Joseph,” and will discuss that as well as enjoy friendship and pray together. All men, young or old, are invited to join in. The men’s group exists to encourage men in their life and in their walk with the Lord. |
Hazel FindlaySunday, October 20
3 pm (meet in entryway at 2:45) Community Christian will lead the worship time with the residents of HFM. The residents enjoy talking with us, singing, praying, and being given some TLC. If you desire to help with this special time of worship, you can read Scripture, lead in prayer, or sing special music. Shelley will accompany our singing with her guitar. |
Sundays Beginning Sept 15, 5:30-7pm, at the Home of Tyler and Julie (1020 Bills Lane) The group is watching season 4 of “The Chosen” video series about the life of Jesus. Season 4 helps believers discover that just as it was for the early followers of Jesus, suffering is a painful reality of life. But the hard things we experience are always eclipsed by the bigger things God is doing in and through them. Which means even in our suffering we can know and hold fast to how radically good God is. Each gathering begins with a potluck meal before watching the video and discussing its message in Bible study as we share our life experiences. Pick up your copy of the interactive Bible study workbook available on the entryway table ($10 suggested donation). "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." Hebrews 10:24-25 |
Missions Rock! Sunday - September 29
Here are updates from the three missions we work with. Thank you for making a difference to His House Campus Ministry, Great Lakes Christian College, and Rock Lake Christian Assembly, and all of the people they influence for the cause of Christ.
His House Christian Fellowship ( At Northwestern Michigan College, Campus Minister Patrick Hill shared that students at the NMC His House are experiencing what it really means to have community and to know God. Through a weekly rhythm known as “checking in,” students have deepened their relationships with each other and begun praying together. Many have also decided to check in daily with a partner for prayer and accountability. Through their small groups and through another rhythm called “listening,” students have been experiencing God by recognizing his leading and his love for their lives.
Great Lakes Christian College ( The college is hosting a “BOOST” conference in July for ministers to encourage those who have committed their lives to ministry in the local church. This retreat is a restful, safe, and inspirational three days of learning, sharing ideas, and the afternoons offer free-time for golf, fishing, disc golf, swimming in Nugents’ pool, and axe throwing. Additionally, the college is hosting its annual Crusaders Golf Classic on August 10 to raise funds for the sports program. This event will connect you with the GLCC mission and the mission of the Athletic Department. It will be featuring the Athletic Department, players and coaches. Go to their website to sign up your team.
Rock Lake Christian Assembly ( Please keep the camp and the young people who are participating in Christian summer camp in your prayers. Pray espcially for those children and youth from Community Christian Church who are attending weeks of camp, that God would grow them spiritually thoughout their week. Also, the camp is hosting a Tabletop Retreat, Oct 18-20. Participants will create lasting memories and strengthen family ties as they gather to play a variety of board and card games, and enjoy delicious food and uplifting devotionals. Whether you bring your own game or jump into the ones they provide, it's sure to be a blast. Don't miss out on this opportunity for quality time with family and friends. Register online and see the website for more details.