CCC ANNUAL MEETINGJanuary 12 at noon
The Annual Meeting and election of leadership for 2025 will take place on January 12th following our morning worship time. This is a time to celebrate the previous year’s accomplishments, to share goals for the new year, and to share what God is doing to impact people’s lives through our ministry. All are invited to join in, however, those who are eligible to vote in the election of leaders must meet three criteria: (1) be 18 years old or older, (2) be a member of the church, and (3) have participated in at least three church-related activities within the last three months. Lunch will be available as we meet and discuss. |
Sunday Morning Adult &
Wednesday Adult Bible Study
(Middle & Sr High Youth Group)
Sunday's from 5-6:15 pm Meet at the Church Building Our Goal: to help middle and high schoolers develop a faith of their own. Hey students! We have some exciting things planned for this Fall! A new name (Journey), a new room (remodeled downstairs just for you) and a new study series, Ephesians 6:10-18, putting on the Whole Armor of God. You won’t want to miss out on the games, snacks, friendships and study as we learn more on developing our own relationship with Jesus! See you there! |
Secret SistersTuesday, January 21
6:30 pm at the Church The women’s group gathers to build friendships and to celebrate the special moments of each other’s lives. If you like laughing together with other people, while also sharing together a message from Scripture, then this group is for you. They also make crafts and projects together. All women, young or mature, are welcome to join in. |
Band of BrothersTuesday, January 21
6:30 pm at Arby's Join us as we begin a new book by Tony Dungy called Quiet Strength: The Principles, Practices & Priorities of a Winning Life. We will discuss that as well as enjoy friendship and pray together. All men, young or old, are invited to join in. |
Hazel FindlaySunday, January 19
3 pm (meet in entryway at 2:40) This special time of worship lasts for a half-hour and is a meaningful time of worship, prayer, and fellowship with the residents of HFM. If you have a musical skill to share, would like to lead in prayer, read a passage of Scripture, or simply show Christ’s love through visiting and caring, let Tyler know. This time is one of the ways that Community Christian serves our community. |
Sunday Evenings starting January 12, 5:30-7pm At the Barlage Home (1020 Bills Lane) “The Case for Heaven (and Hell)” This 5-week series is based on Lee Strobel’s DVD curriculum, looking at the evidence in support of the Bible’s claim that humans will live on in eternity. Strobel considers the atheist viewpoint; draws on interviews with leading Christian scientists, philosophers, and theologians; explores topics such as angels, Satan, reincarnation, Christ’s exclusive claims, and more. We start with a potluck supper then move on into prayer, sharing, and Bible study. Sign-up sheet to join in is on the entryway bulletin board. "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." Hebrews 10:24-25 |
Missions Rock! Sunday - January 26
Here are updates from the three missions we work with. Thank you for making a difference to His House Campus Ministry, Great Lakes Christian College, and Rock Lake Christian Assembly, and all of the people they influence for the cause of Christ.
His House Christian Fellowship ( Prior to 1969, the only outreach to university students in Michigan was attempts by local churches near a campus to include students in their programs. Michigan State University students brought the need to the attention of the elders at the University Christian Church in East Lansing. These men of vision formed a state-wide steering committee which led to the formation of the first campus ministry at MSU. Gary Hawes was called to be the first campus minister in 1969. Now, 55 years later, God has used Gary’s passion and energy to grow this ministry. They have increased from 1 campus and 15 students to 13 campuses, with over 35 full-time campus staff, interns, and administrative staff and more than 1500 students involved in some part of the ministry. God has blessed the ministry with 15 campus houses for students, 2 church buildings and 1 office building that are all used daily.
Great Lakes Christian College ( As a Christian academic community, GLCC’s task is to educate men and women for preaching and other ministry roles as well as for careers related to the church or institutions in the public sector. In all instances, preparing students to be servant-leaders is central to the Colleges’ founding character, history, curriculum and campus ethos. GLCC strives for personal, spiritual and intellectual growth. Through its 13 majors students pursue knowledge of both Biblical and academic value. When receiving a degree through Great Lakes students are required to take Bible and Theology classes through which they will acquire the Bible & Theology major or minor as well as the degree in the educational area of their choice. GLCC believes that Bible and theology provide a firm grasp on Scripture and a foundation upon which all other areas of education should be built. Great Lakes endeavors to provide instruction for life and equip students in action and deed.
Rock Lake Christian Assembly ( In their recent newsletter camp manager Tim St. Louis reflected on the ways God worked through the camp’s ministry last summer. One story that stands out for him is that of a young camper who engaged in a series of meaningful conversations about baptism and salvation. While some of her friends chose to be baptized at camp, she made a heartfelt decision to be baptized at her home church, believing her mom might attend for the first time if she did. With joy he watched online as this camper shared her testimony, was baptized, and witnessed her mom experience church in a powerful way. Moments like these remind Tim of the ripple effects of God’s work through RLCA, and he thanks our church for being part of this journey in raising up a generation of young people who know and follow Jesus Christ.