Working Together to Win Together
God's dream is for people to experience community with Him and with one another through spiritual transformation and authentic caring for one another. Life change occurs as we experience God's grace through understanding the Bible's message (which we believe to be God's Word), engage in meaningful worship, and practice prayer and spiritual disciplines. Authentic community happens when people come together in love, acceptance, and encouragement.
We believe that every person should be intentional about engaging their little "world" within which they have influence by using their God-given gifts, talents, and personalities to demonstrate their faith in Christ. Community Christian is a Biblically based, family friendly, community involved, come-as-you-are church seeking to help fulfill God's dream for people.
We believe that every person should be intentional about engaging their little "world" within which they have influence by using their God-given gifts, talents, and personalities to demonstrate their faith in Christ. Community Christian is a Biblically based, family friendly, community involved, come-as-you-are church seeking to help fulfill God's dream for people.
Our VisionWe are a congregation of Christian believers who: EXALT God in worship celebration as the body of Christ, ENCOURAGE Christians to grow more like Jesus through life-groups and practicing spiritual disciplines, EQUIP Christians to do ministry through ministry teams and mentoring of each other, and EVANGELIZE the world for Christ by sharing God's message of grace with one's family, neighborhood and community.
Our MissionThere's a place for you at Community Christian Church, where we strive to advance God's Kingdom by helping every person develop an active, learning and growing, life-long relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Christian Churches / Churches of Christ (Independent)
The Christian Churches/Churches of Christ are not a denomination, but a fellowship of Christian believers. Having formed in the early 1800s out of a deep concern for Christian unity, the Christian Churches number some 5,500 congregations with a total membership of approximately 1,250,000. We are part of a heritage who would rather be known simply by the name “Christian” than by any other name.