Consultant Stephen Shapiro offers the following interesting statistics concerning New Year’s resolutions: 45% of Americans usually set New Year’s resolutions, 38% never set resolutions, 8% are always successful in achieving their resolutions, 49% have infrequent success, and 24% never succeed and have failed on every resolution every year. Because of these lack-luster statistics some people decide that they are not going to set New Year’s resolutions, that doing so doesn’t really matter or make any difference. Whether or not you make New Year’s resolutions may not matter, however, it is important to set goals that you can strive for so that it is possible for you to live your life intentionally and make some positive changes. If you do not do this, then one statistic that will absolutely hold true for you is this: When you aim for nothing, you will hit it 100% of the time. People set goals for their job, their weight, and their money; but what are your goals regarding your walk with God? I want to challenge you to get intentional about becoming like Jesus in every area of your life. After talking with our church’s leaders, we have set a theme for Community Christian’s ministry in the New Year: Becoming Like Jesus. This involves getting intentional about your life as a disciple of Jesus…as a follower of Christ. We’re not talking about just wearing a church leader title or having the label “Christian.” We’re not talking about just showing up for church once in a while or cracking open your Bible once or twice a year. We’re talking about seeing every aspect of your life—speech, behavior, thinking, attitudes, service, involvement, social issues—from God’s perspective. With that in mind we have planned our Sunday morning messages, life groups, and midweek Bible studies around topics that will help you become more like Jesus. I hope you will make the commitment and set the goal of becoming more like Jesus in 2016. Join with me—with us as a church family—in believing and doing the kinds of things that will cause you to become like Jesus. Following are some of the things we will look at on Sunday mornings and in life groups: CRAZY LOVE—FROM HIM AND FOR HIM (Jan 3-Feb 14) Becoming like Jesus by encountering God’s love and falling in love with Him. GOD’S NOT DEAD (Feb 21-Mar 27) Becoming like Jesus by sharing His story with the skeptical. 10 KEY PRACTICES OF A JESUS FOLLOWER (Apr 3-May 5) Becoming like Jesus in our beliefs. 10 KEY BELIEFS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH (Jun 12-Aug 14) Becoming like Jesus in our actions. 10 KEY VIRTUES OF A PERSON WHO IS BECOMING MORE LIKE JESUS (Aug 21-Oct 23) Becoming like Jesus in our character. LIVING WITH LESS IN THE LAND OF MORE (Oct 30-Nov 27) Becoming like Jesus with our finances and stewardship. FINDING HOPE IN JESUS (Dec 4-25) Becoming like Jesus by putting your hope in God. Working together to become more like Jesus in 2016, Tyler Comments are closed.
August 2024